Welcome to the moral zone! Let's philosophize a little bit about responsibility. Today: Compensate for CO2.

When Homo Sapiens was in the 21st world. In the 19th century, we have a tremendous responsibility for the survival of the planet on which we live, whether we like it or not. To put it precisely, of course, this is not entirely true. Planet Earth doesn't care what happens on it, it already existed for a good 4.6 billion years before humanity in its present form prevailed. However, our species or future generations may well have an interest in this, including your and my descendants.

You probably ended up here because you are well educated anyway and wonder what the Gondlach now has to say about responsibility. They know that climate change is anthropogenic. You know that CO2 and other greenhouse gases are accelerating the process and that a number of behaviours we love are increasing the release of greenhouse gases, including: motorised private transport, plane travel, cruises, conventional animal agriculture (and thus, indirectly, the consumption of meat, milk, eggs and other animal products), … And so on. In all this, you also secretly know that you could do more yourself to serve the climate. Yes me too.

(Not only) My job is characterized by numerous business trips a year. It is not always possible to avoid travelling by plane, every time I personally face a dilemma. There is only one way to convert CO2 in the atmosphere and possibly slow down the greenhouse effect: plant trees. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to do this myself, which is why I set out a few years ago to find an alternative. And I have found what I am looking for and I would like to encourage everyone to find this last resort out of the climate dilemma. In the meantime, there are some organizations that make up for their climate sins through afforestation programs around the world at least a little bit. Googling to compensate for CO2. My choice was Atmosfair.

But please do not forget that, of course, only the prevention of greenhouse gases that are harmful to the climate can save the climate. Compensating for CO2 alone cannot stop climate change.

I don't want to use the charisma of the wonderful Greta Thunberg, but her TED talk just fits in incredibly well with this post. The page also provides the transcript (in 29 languages). Sharing desired, trading recommended.


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